The IntlCodePointBreakIterator class

(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7)


This break iterator identifies the boundaries between UTF-8 code points.


IntlCodePointBreakIterator extends IntlBreakIterator implements Traversable {
/* 継承した定数 */
const integer IntlBreakIterator::DONE = -1 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::WORD_NONE = 0 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::WORD_NONE_LIMIT = 100 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::WORD_NUMBER = 100 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::WORD_LETTER = 200 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::WORD_KANA = 300 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::WORD_KANA_LIMIT = 400 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::WORD_IDEO = 400 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::WORD_IDEO_LIMIT = 500 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::LINE_SOFT = 0 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::LINE_SOFT_LIMIT = 100 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::LINE_HARD = 100 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::LINE_HARD_LIMIT = 200 ;
const integer IntlBreakIterator::SENTENCE_SEP = 100 ;
/* メソッド */
public getLastCodePoint ( void ) : int
/* 継承したメソッド */
public static IntlBreakIterator::createCharacterInstance ([ string $"locale" ] ) : ReturnType
public static IntlBreakIterator::createCodePointInstance ( void ) : ReturnType
public static IntlBreakIterator::createLineInstance ([ string $"locale" ] ) : ReturnType
public static IntlBreakIterator::createSentenceInstance ([ string $"locale" ] ) : ReturnType
public static IntlBreakIterator::createTitleInstance ([ string $"locale" ] ) : ReturnType
public static IntlBreakIterator::createWordInstance ([ string $"locale" ] ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::current ( void ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::first ( void ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::following ( string $"offset" ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::getErrorCode ( void ) : ReturnType
intl_get_error_code ( void ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::getErrorMessage ( void ) : ReturnType
intl_get_error_message ( void ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::getLocale ( string $"locale_type" ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::getPartsIterator ([ string $"key_type" ] ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::getText ( void ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::isBoundary ( string $"offset" ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::last ( void ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::next ([ string $"offset" ] ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::preceding ( string $"offset" ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::previous ( void ) : ReturnType
public IntlBreakIterator::setText ( string $"text" ) : ReturnType
