
(mongodb >=1.6.0)

MongoDB\Driver\Session::getServerReturns the server to which this session is pinned


final public MongoDB\Driver\Session::getServer ( void ) : MongoDB\Driver\Server|null

Returns the MongoDB\Driver\Server to which this session is pinned. If the session is not pinned to a server, NULL will be returned.

Session pinning is primarily used for sharded transactions, as all commands within a sharded transaction must be sent to the same mongos instance. This method is intended to be used by libraries built atop the extension to allow use of a pinned server instead of invoking server selection.

Список параметров

У этой функции нет параметров.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns the MongoDB\Driver\Server to which this session is pinned, or NULL if the session is not pinned to any server.
