Draw Path

(PHP 7, UI 0.9.9)


A Draw Path guides a Draw Pen, telling the Pen where to draw on an Area.

Sinopsis de la Clase

UI\Draw\Path {
/* Constants */
const integer Winding ;
const integer Alternate ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ([ int $mode = UI\Draw\Path::Winding ] )
/* Métodos */
public addRectangle ( UI\Point $point , UI\Size $size )
public arcTo ( UI\Point $point , float $radius , float $angle , float $sweep , float $negative )
public bezierTo ( UI\Point $point , float $radius , float $angle , float $sweep , float $negative )
public closeFigure ( void )
public end ( void )
public lineTo ( UI\Point $point , float $radius , float $angle , float $sweep , float $negative )
public newFigure ( UI\Point $point )
public newFigureWithArc ( UI\Point $point , float $radius , float $angle , float $sweep , float $negative )

Constantes predefinidas


This is the default draw path mode


This is the alternate draw path mode

Tabla de contenidos