

(PHP 5, PHP 7)

mysqli::$connect_errno -- mysqli_connect_errnoReturns the error code from last connect call


Stil obiect-orientat

Stil procedural

mysqli_connect_errno ( void ) : int

Returns the last error code number from the last call to mysqli_connect().


Client error message numbers are listed in the MySQL errmsg.h header file, server error message numbers are listed in mysqld_error.h. In the MySQL source distribution you can find a complete list of error messages and error numbers in the file Docs/mysqld_error.txt.

Valorile întoarse

An error code value for the last call to mysqli_connect(), if it failed. zero means no error occurred.


Example #1 $mysqli->connect_errno example

Stil obiect-orientat

= @new mysqli('localhost''fake_user''my_password''my_db');

if (
$mysqli->connect_errno) {
'Connect Error: ' $mysqli->connect_errno);

Stil procedural

= @mysqli_connect('localhost''fake_user''my_password''my_db');

if (!
$link) {
'Connect Error: ' mysqli_connect_errno());

Exemplele de mai sus vor afișa:

Connect Error: 1045

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